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Janet Johnson Anderson

A Voice for the Voiceless

Janet Johnson Anderson's books reflect community and global needs. They provide a voice for the voiceless, hoping to inspire others to lend a hand and heart in the world.

Books Available Online through all Distributors - Amazon, Barnes & Noble

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Available Now - Released March 25, 2021

POCKETS  -  A Book About Acceptance

Pockets is a likeable penguin, but she doesn't fit in. She doesn't speak, everything is too loud, and she looks different. She doesn't have the Emperor orange stripe along her beak, and she was born with pockets on her belly. She gets by with headphones and things she keeps in her pockets. But it is not until she discovers icePads, that she finds her voice and a way to fit into the penguin community.

POCKETS is written hoping children in grades K-2 will understand that differences are okay, and people can be appreciated for who they uniquely are.

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Multicultural Fiction
Best Women's Fiction
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Best Literary Fiction
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Best Literary Fiction


Released February, 2019

Avhi's Flight

“This book highlights the sad realities that accompany women and their children in Nepal on a daily basis. It is an eye-opening story about how profound gender-based injustices are common practices in Nepal. The purpose of the Women’s Foundation of Nepal is to tackle these issues by raising awareness of them, and empowering women with their rights.” 

                               -- Renu Sharma, President

                           Women's Foundation Nepal


Released September, 2020

The Ray of Hope

“I was in the Lower 9th Ward in the first spring after Katrina; it was a dreadful place. The force of water had shoved houses about like monopoly pieces; some atop roofs or upside down. One house would be shoved into another, merging like a welder’s torch. But with the end of winter, as Nature renews itself, hope returns even for those whose lives have been changed forever.”
                                                   -- Rolland Golden

Rolland Golden created a collection of paintings, and a book, KATRINA Days of Terror, Months of Anguish, expressing his reflections on the storm’s devastation.

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